Since its creation in 2003, Designing Hope has developed campaigns to fight stigmatization of people living with HIV, in order to improve their acceptance by their families and those around them.
This action has carried out together with campaigns promoting and distributing condoms repackaged in attractive cases carrying awareness messages. The particularity of these prevention campaigns lies in the originality and the strength of the visuals and messages which are declined according to the specific needs of each region and the sensitivity of the targeted populations. These tools are used to trigger dialogue and understanding among the most affected communities.
Designing Hope will then develop other campaigns targeting specific issues in Southern Africa and Burkina Faso: protection of young girls against early and unwanted pregnancies, and awareness of “Sugar daddies”. These campaigns are based on street shows, forum theater in Burkina Faso, and a traveling show of giant puppets in Swaziland running in schools and villages.