Since 2006, more than 100 artists have committed themselves alongside Designing Hope by dedicating a work to the association. This commitment has taken concrete form, either through the creation of a work of art or a graphic creation in support of the campaign against discrimination: “I Love You Positive or Negative”, or through the donation of a piece of art, the sale of which contributes to the financing of Designing Hope’s actions.
The partnership initiated with Art Paris between 2006 and 2013 and the impetus of Cristina Owen Jones, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in charge of HIV and AIDS prevention education, have played a major role in the development of this project.
Since 2016, exhibitions have been organised in support of the “Uniforms & Differences” project.

  • Artists4life project

Artists4life is the second mobilization of Dessine l’Espoir around the campaign message “I Love You Positive or Negative” fighting the stigma towards people affected by HIV & AIDS. This project has received the support of UNESCO and its Goodwill Ambassador for the fight against HIV/ AIDS, Lady Cristina Owen-Jones.

More than 100 prominent international artists collaborated with the project to produce artwork designed around the sensitization campaign « I Love You Positive or Negative » – the message of the campaign launched by Dessine l’Espoir, emphasizing the universal need for love and support, regardless of HIV status.

A personal vision, a message, an original approach, and a graphic interpretation. The campaign gained a great deal of strength from this artistic initiative.

  • Main artists involved

Joël Andrianomearisoa, Alecio de Andrade, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Jean-Christophe Ballot, Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard, François-Marie Banier, Ben, Carole Benzaken, François Boisrond, Samuel Bollendorff, Jérôme Btesh, Chantalpetit, Robert Combas, Henri Cueco, Denis Darzacq, Nathalie Decoster, Erró, Amalia Domergue, Guy Du Toit, Patricia Erbelding, Jacques Halbert, Maya Hewitt, Kendell Geers, Antoine Giacomoni, Peter Klasen, Peter Knapp, Elodie Lachaud, Karl Lagerfeld, Titouan Lamazou, Laurence Leblanc, Bryan McCormack, Nicolaas Maritz, Philippe Maurice, Julie Mehretu, Miss Tic, Ricardo Mosner, IngridMwangiRobertHutter, Malcom Payne, Ma Tsé Lin, Alicia Paz, Jean-Marc de Pelsemaeker, Armin Pflanz, Ernest Pignon Ernest, Raghad, Alexei Riboud, Brian Riley, Richard di Rosa, Christian Rouchouse, Paolo Roversi, Antonio Segui, Régis Sénèque, Yoyo Sorlin, Tony Soulié, Marie Thurman, Vincent Verdeguer, Ellen Von Unwerth, Patrick de Wilde, Sue Williamson, Duncan Wylie, Yamada, Kimiko Yoshida,…

  • Artists4life in Africa

Artist4life opened up to African artists from South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland and Burkina Faso, but also to youth from the communities supported by Designing Hope who contributed to this project by creating an artwork related to the campaign message.

Designing Hope is extremely grateful to all the artists who have participated in this project.

  • A sensitization campaign using art as media

Some of the artworks have been reproduced on condom packs, posters, and flyers with support messages from african icons involved in the campaign “I Love You Positive or Negative”. The success of these communication messages have resulted in their expansion in some provinces of South Africa and Swaziland, and Burkina Faso in partnership with local authorities.

UNESCO has brought its expertise to conceive a pedagogical kit in collaboration with Dessine l’Espoir. Presented as a small catalogue, it accompanied the exhibitions and assist teachers and animators in the development of discussions, addressing stigma and discrimination through arts and creativity in general.

  • Discover below the website dedicated to the artistic actuality of Designing Hope