La fondation:
The RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation develops partnerships with French associations acting in France and internationally, to promote the emancipation of women and the improvement of their living conditions. It financially supports projects in 4 areas:
- Supporting women in the defense of their rights and the fight against violence.
- Promote the education and social integration of girls and women
- Promoting the professional integration and financial independence of women
- Strengthen the role of women in environmental protection.
Link on the website :

Projets soutenus:
The Raja – Daniele Marcovici Foundation has participated in the financing of the Macambeni garden, and of the food distribution project at the hospital of Piggs Peak in Eswatini. In 2020, Dessine l’Espoir was the winner of the Raja Foundation Awards for its action in Eswatini, which contribute to the financing of the project “Le Jardin des Savoir-Faire”.
Link on the project : Macambeni Garden